Recent Research Topics
*Please take a look at recent publications for specific research interests*
Deep learning method applied to optical inverse designs of layered structures (OptoGPT, Reinforcement learning, etc)
Sustainable structural colors made by chemical/solution processes, and for sustainable applications
Optical meta-gratings for AR display applications
Structural color research by exploiting optical interference and resonances in photonic 1D, 2D and 3D structures
Nozzle-free photoacoustic printing of functional electronic materials and devices
Scalable flexible transparent conductors for OLED and PV for improved efficiency
Past research topics:
Nanocavity arrays produce angle-insensitive spectrum color filters with resolution beyond diffraction limit
New Optoacoustic lens converts pulsed light to highly focused ultrasound down to human hair size
Electrostatic confinement and assembly of nanoparticles
Carbon Nanotube forest based coating that render objects invisible in dark background
Light-harvesting color filters, and colored organic solar cells
Roll to roll printed polymer organic solar cell based on a new ESSENCIAL technique
Multifunctional plasmonic color filters
High efficiency optoacoustic source based on CNT-PDMS composite
Ultra-high sensitivity polymer microring ultrasound detector
Spontaneous micropattern creation by localized wrinkling effect
High speed dynamic nanoinscribing to create seamless nanogratings
Continuous roll-to-roll nanoimprint on flexible and rigid substrates